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Trybiks' Dive Texts Testing Checking "Dangling" Event Handlers in Delphi Forms YAC Software












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Checking "Dangling" Event Handlers in Delphi Forms
In Automated Testing of Window Forms I wrote that various elements of the form's definition can be verified automatically. One thing to check is whether there are any event handlers defined that aren't actually hooked to the respective events (hence, called here "dangling" event handlers). For instance, that there's a FormShow procedure, but the OnShow event doesn't have a handler assigned (or has a different handler assigned).

Usually, when you define event handlers using Delphi's designer, you won't get this problem. But when using Visual Form Inheritance (VFI), moving code between classes in a hierarchy, refactoring, and performing similar operations on form classes, definitions in the form's .dfm file may get out of sync. with the actual code.

Hence the procedure below:
  procedure CheckDanglingEventHandlers(AWinControl: TWinControl);
  // Tests whether for a control named N (e.g. Form) and its event OnX (e.g. OnShow)
  // there is a procedure NX (e.g. FormShow) that is NOT defined
  // as a handler of to the OnX event.
  {$IFOPT C+ }
    LPropList: PPropList;            // list of published properties
    k, LCount: integer;
    LPropName: stirng;               // current property's name
    LExpectedHandlerName: string;    // expected name of the event handler
    LExpectedHandlerAddr: pointer;   // address of the expected event handler
    LActualHandlerInfo: TMethod;     // method info of the actual event handler
  {$ENDIF }
  {$IFOPT C+ }
    // Get the list of published properties and their count:
    LCount := GetPropList(AWinControl, LPropList);
      for k := 0 to LCount - 1 do
        // For each property:
        LPropName := LPropList[k].Name;
        if Copy(LPropName, 1, 2) = 'On' then
          // Get the expected handler name (e.g. FormShow);
          // CustomForms need to be handled a bit differently here -
          // the default name of the handler will be FormShow (for OnFormShow),
          // regardless of the form's name:
          LExpectedHandlerName := Copy(LPropName, 3, Length(LPropName));
          if AWinControl is TCustomForm then
            LExpectedHandlerName := 'Form' + LExpectedHandlerName
            LExpectedHandlerName := AWinControl.Name + LExpectedHandlerName;
          // Get the address of the default and actual event handlers:
          LExpectedHandlerAddr := AWinControl.MethodAddress(LExpectedHandlerName);
          LActualHandlerInfo := GetMethodProp(AWinControl, LPropName);
          // Either there's no method with the expected event handler name,
          // or that method's code is the same as the actual event handler's code.
          Assert((LExpectedHandlerAddr = NIL) or
            ((LExpectedHandlerAddr = LActualHandlerInfo.Code) and
             (LActualHandlerInfo.Data <> NIL)),
            AWinControl.Name + '-Event ' + LPropName + ': ' + LExpectedHandlerName);
  {$ENDIF }
This procedure should be called after a form is created.

However, this is a run-time check, so either you need to open each form in your application manually, or add unit tests that would create each form of the application automatically.

OTOH, you could write a simplified Delphi parser and a .dfm parser, and check this at the source code level... ;-)


Branko Radosevic wrote on 2015-02-11 23:20:45
What if event handler has changed default name?
Your code help me.
I need to make a parser for dfm because I intend to quickly change a lot of DFM's replace old components with new ones.


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