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A specialized module for the YAC Data Analyzer application prepared in 2004 for Polish Readership Surveys (Polskie Badania Czytelnictwa) (PBC) for the analysis of data on press circulation and sales collected by Polish Audit Bureau of Circulation (Zwiazek Kontroli Dystrybucji Prasy) (ZKDP).

The following extensions were prepared to handle this data: Details:

Importing, viewing and editing ZKDP data

ZKDP data on circulation and sales was distributed in Excel spreadsheets. Results were given for consecutive weeks and months, split by regions, days of the week, etc.

The program allows you to import this data for a given title or for all surveyed titles at once.

After data is imported from Excel, it can be viewed in our application. However, you can also open the respective Excel spreadsheet.
  • number of issues in the consecutive periods:
  • circulation:
  • sales by regions:
  • sales by days of week:
Data, in the tabs shown above, can be edited directly in the program.


Additional indices in readership analyses

Obviously, a data viewer wouldn't introduce anything interesting in itself, except maybe easier navigation. However, the main point of this extension was the addition of new indices to press analyses that compared ZKDP data with readership data:
