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Optimization begins with the specification of limits for the optimizer in the following table (prepared by the application):

On the left, referential results are displayed (for any given set of insertions). The optimizer's results will also be displayed here. On the right, in gray (editable) cells, you can enter any number of limits on the resulting media plans.

The indices: number of insertions, cost per insertions, total cost of insertions, and total reach, are displayed in the table. The results are shown as a sub-total for all selected titles and for all titles separately. Thus, in the referential media plan we have 5 insertions for a price of 1600 with a total reach of 19.2%.

Note: all prices and all results above are fictitious.

In examples on this page we will operate on these four indices, however you can add any number of other indices (e.g. run optimization for reach 3+).

To find media plans with the maximum reach and a constrained budget, you should enter the following limits:

Thus, we are looking for campaigns with budgets 2000 and under. Next, we run the optimizer:

The optimizer found a solution with a 24.9% reach. On the right, the insertions are displayed. This media plan may be added to the table:

Below you will find several other examples of limits for the optimizer:

Minimize costs for a campaign that has to reach at least so many people:

Maximize total reach with a constrained budget, but moreover limits should be placed on the number of insertions. For instance, in Gazeta Wyborcza we allow for a maximum of two insertions, but not both on Friday:

Maximize reach 1+ and reach 3+, however, reach 3+ is more important of the two in this campaign. After the instructions min and max you can specify a weigh; if no weight is specified, 1 is assumed. Thus, in the optimization below, reach 3+ will "weigh" two times more than reach 1+:

Other optimizations are also possible, for instance in two target groups (main and auxiliary). Here you also might specify weights, so that reach in the main target group would be more important.

Another example would be a campaign that should have evenly spread reach in all regions. You can, for instance, specify maximum budgets for groups of titles (those titles that cover a given region), or specify minimum reach in each region independently. Then the optimizer will prefer regional titles over national papers with high reach in the whole country, but low reach in some of the regions.

All in all, the optimizer is very flexible and its uses are limited only by the user's imagination.
