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YAC Software Products YAC Data Kit Version history Trybiks' Dive


YAC Data Kit

YAC Data Builder

YAC Data Analyzer

Pivot tables



Media plan





YAC Data On-Line

Survey hosting

Customized solutions

Version history


YAC Interview Kit

YAC Text Recoder

YAC Data-o-Mat

Version history
Up till now, the following versions of these applications were released: Details:

4.13 - additional options for statistics

In this version we added the following definitions:
  • excludeSysMis that defines the default handling of system missing values,
  • hideRowsCols that defines the default display of empty rows and columns in analysis tables.

4.12 - additional option for statistics

In this version we added
the "substStats" attribute to show means (as percents) instead of frequencies.


4.11 - additional configurations for statistics and record sets

In this version we added:
  • "fixedRecordsets" directive that, when set, blocks changing of the record set in an existing analysis.
  • "stdStats" and "advStats" directives for defining standard and advanced statistics.
  • "stats" directive in record set definition for limiting available statistics for analyses based on that record set.
  • "hidden" directive in record set definition for blocking analyses based on that record set.
  • "Mark different base record sets" check box to the Statistics parameter that turns on markers that are displayed next to results that were calculated based on a non-default record set.

4.10 - user definitions

In this version of YAC Data Kit we added user definitions - new questions can be defined based on existing questions, and then used just like standard survey questions.


4.00 - TV data analysis

Official release of the versino with analyses of TV audience data.

Moreover, in versions 4.01 - 4.03 (released between 2009-07-24 and 2010-01-14) we worked on the following:
  • New statistics (sums; shares of sums).
  • Filtering questions in the target group and questions dialog windows.
  • Calculation Base parameter can now display the record set against which the calculations are being run.
  • Restricting the lists of questions in the target group and questions dialog windows to the selected record set.
  • Forcing a minimum number of waves in analyses.
  • Survey expiry date after which a survey becomes unaccessible.
  • Introduction of data file protection based on hardware keys.

3.00 - official release of YDOL - YAC Data On-Line

Official release of the system with the YAC Data On-Line application.

Moreover, in versions 3.00 - 3.04 (released between 2007-09-29 and 2008-12-15) we worked on the following:
  • YAC Data Builder:
    • Right margin added that displays positions of all issues (errors, warnings, and hints).
    • Added sections on press and radio definitions in the English version of this document.
    • Measurement scales can be defined for questions.
    • Measurement scales and noMean attributes can be automatically imported from SPSS data files.
    • Measurement scales are displayed in the import dialog window (for each variable).
    • More examples of question definitions (based on the General Social Survey).
    • Various small fixes.
  • YAC Data Analyzer:
    • Optimization criteria parameter edit window enhanced - default settings.
    • YAC Data Analyzer User Guide translated into English.
    • Support for measurement scales - means (and derivatives) will not be calculated for scales other than interval.
    • General Social Survey data and reports added to the YDOL server.
    • Various small fixes.

2.30 - various extensions and new functionality

In versions 2.21 - 2.30 work was done on various parts of the software:
  • 2.21
    - parameter for showing calculation base (for each cell),
    - exclusion of system missing data from calculation bases,
  • 2.22 - response attribute noMean that excludes the response from the calculation of means,
  • 2.23
    - option for showing table margins,
    - automatic sub-totals for selected stations/titles,
    - calculation bases and results with reduces bases can be shown in a different color,
  • 2.24
    - more and enhanced analysis wizards,
    - faster calculation of media plans and faster optimization,
  • 2.25 - first version of YDOL (definitions of new analyses),
  • 2.26
    - significance tests for fractions and means,
    - more work on the optimizer,
    - enhanced media plan wizards,
    - second version of YDOL (report viewer),
    - new statistics: variance and standard deviation,
  • 2.27 - changed licensing scheme and the survey protection system.
  • 2.28 - YAC Data Builder - Lite and YAC Data Analyzer available for download,
  • 2.29
    - English documentation for YDB,
    - logoPlacement and GIF/JPEG support for logo,
  • 2.30 - option for hiding empty rows and/or columns.

YDOL - YAC Data On-Line, viewer of predefined reports

YAC Data On-Line now includes a second functionality - a viewer of predefined reports (alongside already available wizards for defining new analyses). Reports may contain tables and charts, and can be recalculated for predefined target groups and/or waves. This allows for very quick distribution of results to clients.


YDOL - YAC Data On-Line, definitions of new analyses

YAC Data On-Line (YDOL) preview, a version of our data analysis program that runs under internet browsers, is already available for your evaluation - please use this link to go the application's pages.


2.20 - multi-dimensional questions

YAC Data Kit in version 2.20 adds the possibility to define and analyze questions that are defined by several dimensions (or axes), such as:
  • opinions x evaluation (how strongly respondents agree or disagree with an opinion) with labeled and numeric scales,
  • statements x brands (which brands fit a given statement),
  • statements x brands x scale (how well each brand fits a given statement).
Based on tables with results from multi-dimensional questions, new types of charts may be easily prepared.


2.10 - YAC Data Builder, press analysis extensions

YAC Data Builder 2.10 - the program for importing data into YAC Data Analyzer - in the previous version was a console application. Currently it is an integrated GUI environment that contains a fully functional script editor for .dbs files and many functions that help and ease script preparation and data processing:
  • an import utility that loads data directly from SPSS (.sav) files and allows for defining the data's structure (modules, question definitions),
  • syntax highlighting,
  • column blocks,
  • search / replace with regular expressions and incremental search,
  • multi-level undo and redo,
  • macro recording and playback,
  • script validation,
  • data processing directly from the editor,
  • run YAC Data Analyzer automatically on the processed data,
  • make-type utility that processes only the changed parts of the documentation and data,
  • and many, many more...
The previous console version is still available (for batch processing).

Press analysis extensions in YAC Data Analyzer 2.10 include:
  • handling of readership data by days for dailies in general analysis and media plans,
  • handling of data on the number of issues, circulation and sales (also by days of the week and by regions),
  • calculation of indicators based on the number of issues, circulation and sales (e.g. cost of insertions / sales),
  • automatic importing and displaying of data collected by Polish Audit Bureau of Circulation (Zwiazek Kontroli Dystrybucji Prasy).
Moreover, many smaller extensions were added that should help in day-to-day program usage.


2.00 - press media plan optimization

YAC Data Analyzer 2.00 introduces press media plan optimization. Genetic and randomization algorithms are used to find media plans that meet one or more criteria, but can also optimize for two or more values (such as OTS 1+ and Freq) at the same time. Optimization for two or more target groups is also supported.

Full export of reports (including charts) was also added to the program.


1.20 - press data analysis with media planning

The next version of YAC Data Analyzer (1.20) introduces press readership data analysis, with calculation of advertising campaign indicators (media plan). You can compute all kinds of readership indicators, such as last issue readership, average issue readership, season cycle readership, number of issues read, number of contacts with an issue, readers per copy, and many more. Moreover, the following functions are available:
  • preselection of titles based on the regions they are issued in,
  • seamless transition from the readership analysis module to the media planning module, or rather the possibility of joint analysis of readership and media planning indicators,
  • OTS and OTS+ computations on any level (e.g. OTS 10, OTS 20+),
  • merging of OTS levels (e.g. OTS 1:3),
  • analysis of all indicators by waves of the survey and in various target groups,
  • crossing of all indicators with other questions,
  • analysis of coreadership and structure,
  • simultaneous analysis of many price lists,
  • analysis of only those readership and media plan indicators which are of interest to the user,
  • all data may be analyzed for groups of titles,
  • the CPP and CPM indicators are available in GRP, Reach, and Effective reach flavors (for any level of effective reach, e.g. OTS 3+),
  • population estimation of the indicators: AIR, GRP (i.e. Gross Impressions), OTS, OTS+.
In price lists you can define advertisement prices for all titles and various types of ads, and you can set a default price - one that will be automatically taken for new analyses. Price list comparison allow to take into account all kinds of promotions, discounts, packages, and other kinds of special offers.


1.10 - radio data analysis

In the new version of YAC Data Analyzer (1.10) you can analyze radio audience data. The following indicators may be computed: spontaneous and prompted awareness, weekly and daily reach, and reach in quarters. The analysis may be crossed by the places of listening and radio signal source. You can also analyze the mean time of listening, market share, and average quarter audience. The program allows for trends analysis, comparison of target groups, calculation of audience structure, colistening of stations and crossing of all indicators by any of the other questions.
All this in flexible pivot tables with the possibility of estimation of the results to the surveyed population, sorting, aggregated analysis for groups of stations, days of the week, time segments and other parameters. You also get: preselection of stations based on emission regions and easy report exports to other applications.


1.00 - pivot tables with charts

After nearly four months of intensive work we are ready to present the first version of our analytical software: YAC Data Analyzer. Most of our efforts were directed at creating a general platform for the development of various kinds of analyses in the future, but with this version you already get multi-dimensional pivot tables with nested parameters, a fully operational charting module, multi-wave analysis, complex filter (target group) definitions, standard descriptive statistics, analysis of weighted data, and automatic data recalculation after installation of new data. The application is bilingual (Polish-English with the possibility of extension to other languages), the survey texts may be in one, two or more languages.
